Maryna Kanikovskaya


Maryna Kanikovskaya

Maryna Kanykovska creative director Institute marAmax and MARAMAX Academy. Maryna Kanykovska Ukrainian star of hairdressing. Maryna entered the profession at the age of 16 and fell in love with him. Maryna created the MARAMAX brand 20 years ago. 10 beauty salons and a hairdressing academy. Maryna is the owner of the Order of Chevalier of the French organization INTERCOUFFURE PARIS for achievements in the profession. She gives her master classes and seminars in Ukraine and around the world. The academy created by Maryna gave a profession to 10,000 people. The graduation diploma is recognized all over the world. Maryna is planning a big world summit for hairdressers in Ukraine.
Maryna Kanikovskaya