Kaiser Huang / Cool Cats Barber shop
“The creativity is expressing in a new way to create a new style from your background.”
Specializing in Rock style of 50~60’s, he has opened his salon ‘Cool Cat’ in 2015. He was invited to the Netherlands by SCHOREM and made the bobblehead dolls in 2018. Since this year he has been a representative of the SCHOREM Tough ‘n’ Enough Taiwan Barber Tour. In 2019 he was assigned as a juror of the first AHMA haircut contest. Being interviewed by a number of Taiwanese magazines, he is attracting attention.
“I cannot stop using MIZUTANI SCISSORS since I bought the first pair, so I have replaced all my scissors to MIZUTANI SCISSORS. Depending on the cutting method or way, I can use adequate scissors. I say, MIZUTANI SCISSORS are the symbol if the best haircut scissors.”